Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Week 13- Happy New Year

So here's another picture of my ever-growing belly. This is week 13. Baby Center.com says this about the baby development this week (For your reading pleasure!):" How your baby's growing:
Fingerprints have formed on your baby's tiny fingertips, her veins and organs are clearly visible through her still-thin skin, and her body is starting to catch up with her head — which makes up just a third of her body size now. If you're having a girl, she now has more than 2 million eggs in her ovaries. Your baby is almost 3 inches long (the size of a medium shrimp) and weighs nearly an ounce.
Enjoy and see you next week!

Week 12- Merry Christmas

So, I thought I'd include some progressively large pictures of my belly. I don't have another appt until the 16th of January, so I won't have any stats this week. I am, however, feeling a ton better than last week. I think this nausea thing is finally leaving! I would rather be in pain than be nauseous!! Hopefully it doesn't return third trimester!
This week, my parents are going to be working on turning our office into a nursery. It needs a bunch of work, mostly painting and such, which I can't do. We are putting up a chair rail and Cheryl will be doing a faux finish below it. My parents brought a crib, a mattress, and the dresser I used when I was a kid, so it's almost fully furnished... all I need is the rug and my dream chair.
More updates later.

Week 11

So, here's our first ultrasound photos. The baby was so active that the technician could barely get a clear picture. We got to see the little heart beating and he/she kept mooning us... it's definately Peter's kid! They normally wouldn't do an ultrasound this early, but we were a little concerned about some things, but all ended up ok. The little one has a pretty high heartrate, roughly 165 bpm. Hopefully that doesn't translate to an overactive kid.

So here's the latest stats:
Due date: Still July 4th 2008
Weeks: 11.5
Doctor says: "Everything looks fine" & "This kid is really active!"
Feeling: Better.. not as much nausea as last week!
Clothes: Still wearing my clothes, but they are getting tight. Uh oh!
Weight: Lost another 2 pounds.