Saturday, August 21, 2010

It's been too long!

So, I finally remembered I actually have a blog! I'm so much better with Facebook, so if you want more timely updates on all things Sieburg, then please friend me!
Well, Aram is now 25 months old. He is a laugh riot. He is ALL BOY in every sense of the word. Loves to yell and jump and climb and be loud and he is soooo smart. I guess every parent says that, but he actually says his entire ABCs and can carry on a conversation with just about anyone. I don't know where he comes up with some of the things he says. He is 37 lbs and 38 inches tall and already going into a 4T this fall. Most of his shirts are just too short for his tall stature. He's gonna be just like his daddy!

Well, the newest news since posting last is that we are expecting our second son, Ethan Auren, right around Oct. 15th. The pregnancy has been pretty uneventful and the baby seems to be just as big as Aram. We got a 3D sono this time and he is VERY long and skinny just like Aram was when he was born. We still have 8 weeks to go, but I think we have an Aram #2 in the works! We are very excited to add this new addition to our home and it's especially nice that we have everything we need from our first child! I will post some pics soon, but just wanted to get these blog updates started.

Tomorrow we are having a second sono to measure baby and see why I'm measuring 3 weeks ahead of schedule. This didn't happen when I was pregnant with Aram, so not sure what's going on... but would love it if Ethan came 3 weeks earlier:)