Monday, August 11, 2008

Oops... it's been too long!

Well, Aram is 32 days old, officially 1 month now. He is growing leaps and bounds and is in most of the 3-6 month clothes now. The weird thing is is that he's not really chubby. There are a few small rolls on his thighs and arms, but nothing more. He is already 12 lbs and he is super long... I haven't measured him, but I'm assuming over 2 feet long. He is finally nursing and he's sleeping up to 7 hour stretches at night, which is amazing for us. Going to bed is another matter though. He has quite the temper and screams like you're ripping his arms off for 30 or so minutes before he falls asleep. Mommy tends to be really weak and wants to pick him up. I did pick him up the other night and he immediately quieted and just looked at me and smiled... ggggrrrrr! Well, we will get over this hurdle yet.
Here are some picks from the last two weeks. Please check out my facebook account for more pics, as they are easier to upload there.